Did you know that pajammas made for 1 year old have special requirements?
Children’s Sleepwear: The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission sets national safety
standards for children's sleepwear flammability. These standards are designed to protect
children from burn injuries if they come in contact with an open flame, such as a match or stove
burner. Under amended federal safety rules, garments sold as children's sleepwear for sizes
Consumer Federation of America · 1424 16th St., NW, Suite 604 · Washington, DC 20036 · 202-387-6121 larger than nine months must be either flame-resistant or snug-fitting. Flame-resistant garments do not continue burning when removed from an ignition source. Examples include inherently flame-resistant polyesters that do not require chemical treatment. Snug-fitting garments need not be flame resistant because they are made to fit closely against a child’s body. Snug-fitting sleepwear does not ignite easily and, even if ignited, does not burn readily because there is little oxygen to feed a fire.
Since the summer has been so hot, Emily has mostly been sleeping in her diaper or a t-shirt. We have started to pick up a couple of sets of 12-18 month pj's. Most of them fit Emily funny. Her tummy is nice and round so shirts always fit her snug around the middle, but are loose everywhere else.