Where did the weekend go? It's Sunday night, and I am so tired. Thanks to Sarah for helping me remember Daylight savings, knowing my recent track record with missing things on the calendar!
-Robert was called out of retirement and was asked to play with the current
Groove line. He played at half time of both Mens and Womens ISU BB games on Sat. We already had Grandparents in town to babysit on Sunday so I decided to go to the night game to watch Robert. It was so fun, he looked great performing.
I also think Dallas might have slept through the night, well his night, 11:30 -5:30 including the time change, does that count? Robert thinks that I did get up once to feed him but I can't remember doing that, maybe I slept through it!
Sunday we went up to Rock River our church's retreat center. We taught a little lesson on finances to the pre-marital group. It was really fun. We also got to sit in and help with the *giggle sex lesson. All in all a busy and fun-filled weekend.