Sunday, November 18, 2007

Leaves, leaves, leaves

Can you guess what I have been up too. I have raked leaves during every nap (the days we were home) that Emily has taken in the last week and a half. You can also see, as noted in the pictures that most of our leaves have yet to drop. I raked and Robert loaded them up to take them to the free leaf drop off day (every Sat. in Nov). I also wanted to mention to all of you eco-minded persons, that these are biodegradable bags. The city of Ames requires that you use these, unless you are not bagging at all. They do actually biodegrade, I opened the box of bags I had left over from last year and a fine powder was all that was inside. They are kind of spendy, they come to about $0.64/bag. But Emily did not enjoy any bit of the process. She likes to play right beside you, so me being across the yard bagging made for one sad little girl!

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