Cake Balls, so delicious and super easy! I made and dipped, Em sprinkled.
Gumdrop tree, best idea found on the internet this season, perfect craft for a toddler.
Andee's mint cookies, the perfect combination of chocolate and mint, Emily unwrapped the candy and broke them in two as my helper.
The ginger bread house, gettin assembled, I did most of this work.
Emily decorated.
I have been trying to make some traditions with Emily in the kitchen this year. We have dipped pretzels, made Andie's mint cookies, built a gumdrop tree and hopefully get the gingerbread house assembled soon.
Laura, you amaze me! I can't get the energy to do those activities with my toddler, and I'm not the sleep-deprived mother of a newborn!! Kuddos to you. Please send me a link for the gum drop tree.
Emily looks so concentrated on that gingerbread house!
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