Friday, May 8, 2009

Update in the general sort of way

Here is a little catch-me-up...
Dallas is feeling much better, he doesn't mind the nebulizer much but he despises the amoxicillin. I have to put it 1/4 Teaspoon at a time at the back of his mouth, hold it shut, and wait for him to spit out half of it, needless to say it takes a while to get 3/4 Teaspoon in there 2x day. He can roll over from tummy to back, (he did it for the first time 4/20) He can sit up unassisted for about 5 seconds before he topples over. He has big grins for all of us, and occasionally gives us a breathy laugh. His favorite things are screaming (joyfully) and he has just started really watching Bo, he just stares and tries to grab for him.

Dallas at 5 months, Emily at 33 months (don't my kids look sweaty!)

Emily has been a delight lately. Today she requested to nap without a diaper (we'll see how that goes). She loves to find little holes and corners to wedge her body in to read or put on her underwear or play. I would still say reading is her favorite activity, but she really likes being outdoors with me too. She helps me dig dirt (she is sad that Bo ate the handle off our little trowel) and plays with Bo and her bubbles and chalk. She also is showing interest in riding her little plastic trike. She will take it down to the neighbors drive and back all by herself.

Dallas breathing his medicine through a fishy mask

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