Wednesday, September 16, 2009

my well babes

On Tuesday we spent a couple of hours in the morning at the Dr. getting Dallas's 9 month and Emily's 3 year well visit in the books. It takes a little longer at three as Emily had her hearing and vision tested. They both received the flu vaccine, Em got the mist and Dallas had a shot, in which he will have to get a booster in a month. Things went really well.
We discussed having Dallas sleep through the night. Emily's pooping issues and both of there eating habits. The dentist discovered Em's jaw doesn't quite line up so we mentioned that as well as we are just going to watch it for another 6 months.

Last night since I new Dallas was healthy I encouraged him to try to sleep through his normal " I want to eat at 1 or 2 or 3 am wakings). He went to bed at 6:00 pm, woke at 9:30, I nursed him, put him back down. He woke again at 2:00, and for the next hour and 30 minutes I went to him about every 10-15 minutes and patted him and said nite, nite. He succumbed finally and slept until 6:00, I rushed to him so fast. He wakes happy and doesn't hold it against me for letting him cry/fuss but boy do I feel it! Let's see how tonight goes...

Dallas weighs 20lb 15 oz, is 28.5" inches long
Emily weighs 31lb is 37" inches long

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