Saturday, February 19, 2011

Guess who?

Guess who has slept through the night the last two nights??? Me, that would be a big fat NO. Noelle, also a big fat NO.
if you said
you are correct. He has been getting up every 1-2 hours sporadically since Christmas, has been taking these lovely 45 minute or an hour naps as well.

I have been tricking him into taking longer naps, which I think has carried over into bedtime. No more cuddles for Dallas. He was showing up at our bedside several times a night requesting juice, cuddles or books. I have been walking him back to his room and putting him back to bed. The last two nights, we didn't see him at all! Now to get Noelle's 3 hour wake habit fixed, and I might actually feel what it is like to wake rested, and not worse than when you went to sleep. Most parents say that doesn't happen until you kick them out of the house.

I do miss our quiet time in the morning. I can't get up and get things done before kids are up. Some days Dallas wakes at 6:00, sometimes earlier or later.

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