Sunday, January 22, 2012


My single parenting week is coming to a close soon.  Rob is on his way home.  While I am so thankful for these opportunities and for the fairly easy week I have had, I am counting the minutes....

Some things are alot easier when Rob is gone.  I don't do such a big production at dinner, and honestly I don't normally do a big thing.  But when the boss is away, we will eat PB and J or oatmeal for dinner.  Saturday night we had popcorn and apple slices! 
Things got hairy on Friday when Noelle and Dallas both had a temperature.  It seems like Noelle has not had and booger or snot free day in 6 months but she has no other symptoms.  Dallas got his usual virus.  By Saturday he was full on wheezing/coughing and we have been using the nebulizer every 4-6 hours since. 
We had plans to do the gym on Fri and Sat.  I have been picking up a new workout schedule and doing pretty well, but it is hard to workout with the ladies at 5:15 am when your hubby is gone.  Also I missed a visit to see my Grandma in the hospital, but I couldn't tote sick kids to the ICU with me.  So we will visit her when we are well.  We also skipped church this morning, so that was another 3 hours I was hoping to help fill with a fun activity. 
Emily did get to go on a playdate Sat, she had lots of fun.  I am so Thankful she is such a healthy kid. 

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