Friday, March 20, 2015

miss me?

Who has missed my little updates?  I need to get on a little more often and blog so each entry doesn't have to have its on zip code.

Since I blogged last I/we have:
-spent hours talking to insurance/clinic people on the phone to resolve a "routine" change in providers
-Dallas has lost two teeth
-watched Cyclone basketball be at the top and the bottom
-visited the worlds largest children's museum
-sat through an entire piano recital without a babysitter
-attend many an Upwards basketball game without getting bleacher butt or losing to much money to the snack shack

 Practice-a-thon raised $8500 for the Ames Residence Program- Thanks to all who supported Emily
 Winter Recital 2015
 We went to check out what Game Day looks like live.  Hilton was so exciting and gave ESPN a warm welcome.
 Attending Cubbie parents night with Noelle at Awana.  We played a game of dodge the sock, throw the sock.  They have a 18 gallon tub with random socks knotted in the middle and you scoop them up and throw them.  The kids love throwing them at the parents.
 Dallas Panther team after a game.  The kindergaten level is structured to have a half hour practice and then a half hour game each Friday night.  These kids loved it.
 We got a cocount in our Bountiful Basket in Febuary.  I was not really sure what to do with it so it sat in the fridge for a while.  I finally got the courage to open it up.  We put the water and the meat into the blender and made cocount milk.  I used that for my coffee and a smoothie for the kids.
 Emily finished Math book 1

 Trying her dance costume on
 Valentine's Party at preschool
 Dallas Valentines needed to be red dye free. We came up with the idea to make crayons in our lego molds.  Then I made him write "from Dallas" 32 times.  He was annoyed because I only made Noelle write her name on hers and I wrote the "from".  Tough being six...
 Losing tooth number 3, he let me pull this one.  Robert was in New Oreleans for work so we had to send a picture.  Tooth number 4 was discovered inside his cheek Monday morning when he woke up.
 Emily's Upwards team the Lynx.  3rd and 4th grade girls
The Panthers getting ready for their silly picture

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