Friday, November 4, 2016

Our no ER streak still holds

How my kids manage to only get injured during the day I will never know, but I like it! Much easier to call Ped's and say my kid is bleeding from the head, I'll be there in 10 minutes.  Although I think we could have gone to the ER for this one (maybe you are for a head injury). Once I got some of the blood soaked up and he let me dig through the hair I could see that we did need to be seen, but it wasn't gaping and seems to be clotting, ie; I felt we could wait a bit to be seen if needed.

Story for preservation purposes:
I was dropping the kids off for PE on ISU campus at the Forker building.  This building and surrounding area has been under construction this Fall. Dallas had just checked in with the teacher and was walking towards the sidewalk where he is supposed to stand with the other teacher until they lead the group inside.  Out of the corner of my eye I see another kid (not fully watched by the teacher with the group) lift and play with a steel pole that a stop sign or a handicap sign would go on.  The pole was upright in the ground but not fixed and did not have a sign at the top yet.  Of course when he finally got the pole fully out of the hole it became top heavy and well... you can guess the rest.  I saw this and was just about to put my van in drive and pull away and I thought that kid is going to get in trouble because that pole is going to land on that parked car and cause major damage.  Well, it didn't hit a car, it hit Dallas head as he was walking to the sidewalk.
I sure did put my car in park quickly when I heard the scream.  Major kudos to Emily as I asked her to sit next to Dallas as we drove to the doctor to help him keep the gauze the teachers gave us on his head.  She didn't like it but did what I asked anyway.  As soon as I gave Dallas my phone with Netflix tuned up he calmed down!  Dr. Smith was the on-call Ped (he goes to out church) he agreed that he needed staples but was likely not concussed.  Seven staples for 8 days.  I am grateful we were able to wash his hair right away, because he was supposed to keep it dry for the remaining week.  His hair was pretty greasy by day four.  The removal was a piece of cake. He was nervous, but our usual nurse had them out in under a minute and I am not sure he noticed.  Also, they didn't shave any hair.

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