Friday, March 5, 2021

Summer 2020

Noelle and I grew flowers. They made me and the butterflies very happy. I don't find the landscaping at this house enjoyable , yet it is very maintenance free which is a perk!
The one thing in Des Moines that was NOT canceled, and probably the biggest gathering in Iowa all year was Good Guys. Dallas spent two entire days with Robert having the time of his life.
The girls have tapped out. Honestly, it is the same each year. And Noelle can't eat anything at the fairgrounds, so I get it! I made my obligatory visit, took some pictures cheered on Robert and went to Trader Joes.
They couldn't cancel our Fourth of July. We managed to blow through $10 of sparkler fun in the street.
Magic Tee product boxes on our front porch!
Emily made her annual trek to Raccoon River Bible Camp

Thankful for our neighbors buying a Covid pool and inviting us over
We purchased a new outdoor seating area after our previous glass table top shattered.
We were so weary by the end of the summer we were driving 20 minutes to the tiniest town pool with friends. 
Thankful we did get to have a cousin sleepover!
We took many drives this summer. This one ended by being pushed out of the BBops drive-thru by our friends the owner of BBops. We still got our chocolate shakes! But the Chevelle rode home in the car trailer. 

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