Saturday, March 26, 2011


Emily and Dallas often play these pretend games together.  I am always amazed as toddlers are supposed to play independently or have parallel play, but they do interact a lot.  They play shopping or what I call museum almost every day.  This involves special footwear.  One is usually wearing the Cinderella high heels, the other in sparkley flip flops, although today it was ballet shoes.  They each have a purse, a baby or stuffed animal, and sometimes a shopping basket.  Emily and Dallas then walk around the house and point out stuff to each other. 

Emily "oh look at that, did you see that"
Dallas " Ohhhhhhh that's coo-tiful"
Emily "yes, I thought you would like that, did you see these beads"
Dallas "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh THAT's coooo-tiful"

Dallas has made the perfect new word by combining cool and beautiful, who has time to say both?

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