Noelle broke her leg on September 12, 2017. A spiral fracture from riding her scooter (she had a helmet on). Spiral fractures often occur when the foot is planted and the body gets twisted. She told the same story over and over to all the Doctors and Nurse which they ask multiply times to make sure they don't have to report us. She told Robert the next day she was ALSO trying to open a circus peanut at the same time. She calls whole peanuts circus peanuts. Multitasking at its finest, unshelling your snack while driving...
How did you know it was broken? - I have gotten that question a couple of times.
When you put a band-aid on the scrap to cover the blood and the whimpering does not stop. When a show is requested and you cuddle up to watch it and the crying does not stop. Time to see the Dr.
One broken tibia, spiral fracture, thankfully just above the growth plate.
We went to the Ped clinic, was sent for an x-ray and back to see the doctor, found out it was broken and then guess what. It was closing time. We were sent to the ER and the orthopedist was called in to fix her up. He did a hard splint not a cast for swelling and we were sent home.
Chocolate Cake from the Cafe was requested by the patient! Sleep was very minimal the first 3-4 nights, like newborn quality sleep. It was a comfort issue mostly of not being able to tummy sleep or side sleep, and some pain. After day five she had it figured out and it hurt less.
Ten days later we were back to get x-rays and get a real cast.
Teal was not a color option so she choose neon green.
Fast forward 4 weeks and we were back again to get the cast sawed off, x-rays and see the healing.
enjoying a few minutes with her bare leg as we wait for our turn in radiology
It was still broken, which means four more weeks and a repeat appointment. Everything was in the right place so Noelle was upgraded to a walking cast which means bathing again!
I am beside myself how much the ER visit cost. I know it is partly our insurance, having a $6000 deductible doesn't help. But we didn't intend to go to the ER, we entered the clinic and really were not given a choice to not go, we even asked if it would be billed as an ER visit.... Noelle did not see an ER doctor, but did take up a bed for 35 minutes, she did have an ER nurse that took her vitals. The orthopedist did the hard splint(while I held Noelle- not the nurse). We essentially got billed twice for his work, as he also billed on the same event through McFarland Clinic. I know we choose to be self-employed, but we really have no choice on our health care options anymore. Rant over! I am thankful that we can afford insurance and additionally pay for a broken leg that is essentially not covered by our insurance. I feel blessed about our available Doctor choices, and that in this small town we can end up seeing both the Ped and the Ortho that attends our church and knows us as a family.