Sunday, November 25, 2018

2018 Falls sports and school

 Noelle choose cheerleading with Upwards again this Fall. She mostly enjoyed it, but I wouldn't be surprised if she votes for dance next year. She was in the 2nd-5th grade group this year, and you could still tell there were quite a few gals that didn't want to be there, but the parents made them do it.
 Emily ran cross country with Ames Middle School. It was so fun to see her get better each meet and learn what her body was capable of.  It was not a great weather season. They had one meet canceled because of heat and another meet canceled due to too much rain, soggy conditions. AMS cross country does not practice in all conditions like high school does. I am not sure there was one week of the season where they got in all 4 practices. That made it hard to get miles under them. It also was an eye-opener of what being in the Ames district will be like for our family. Going to most meets in Des Moines, competing against Waukee, Centennial , Downing, Ankeny, Urbandale, Johnston, SE Polk. Often times the 16th faster runner on Johnston's 7th grade team was faster than any runner on Ames 7th and 8th grade! 
 Dallas is taking a class called Language Learning, he has 40 minutes of grammar, 40 minutes literature and 40 minutes of writing/composition. The class has 4th and 5th graders, its on a two year cycle. It is very cute. He clearly has no idea of personal space, bunched over next to his table mate.
 This is what it looks like when we drop Em off at the middle school for practice or band, I always wait while she gets buzzed in. This year she is again taking band, and then stayed out for a study hall and then went to cross country practice after school.

 Dallas trying out a spinning wheel in literature class after they had read and discussed Rumpelstiltskin.
 Cheering on Em at a meet. Dallas loved running from spot to spot and yelling for everyone.  
 Noelle finished another phonics/grammar book this Fall. 
 Dallas enjoyed another season of flag football. It was great to have our neighbor Micah on the team (plus he is fast) and again play with Trent. Trent's dad Travis coached with Robert again. They make a great team and seem to really enjoy the process.

It is always a surprise to me, but Dallas often volunteers to go up and diagram sentences on the board.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Game time!

 2009 or 2010?
 A hot first tailgate, using the tent for shade.

 This is Dallas from tailgate #2

And then it rained and lighting for four hours.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

August 2018

 We let the youth play with fire. Doesn't Noelle look crazed.
 The guys window shopped for hats
 #Kibbelee was worked on, ALL month
 School started
 Even for these sleepy heads
 Our good friend got to use these giant scissor to open the newest McFarland Clinic
 Emily had her birthday party at the ice arena
 We cruised in the Kharman Ghia for date night (it was home a lot this summer while the General Lee was at a friends garage)
 We worked on a listing and selling parts out of a storage garage.
 State Fair 2018
 We painted the 70% of the house inside and out in 10 days to get it listed to sell
 We also did crazy things like make our linen closet tidy.
 We did take a Sunday off during house sale prep to do have one more lake day, can't say no to those.