These two kids enjoying the Ankeny mayoral lighting of the tree.
Sunday night framily dinner
Our best or worst grinchy faces
Noelle repeated her role as "Gabriel", she didn't want to learn a new part I guess. She now stands near 8 inches taller than her bestie. Britta is younger by eight months.
Dallas reprised his role of "I don't want to be here, in the play but my parents make me", aka a Wise Man.
I made the family come to Rieman Gardens with me. I like seeing the holiday train at night, it is Christmasy and festive!
Can you tell Robert went to the grab last minute groceries He is so much more fun than I am!
Noelle spent a bunch of December ill. Nine days straight of fevers, some as high as 104. Then well for a couple days, then ill again, stomach pain, then fine. Only symptoms were tummy pain and fever. We went in to get checked out the day she couldn't stand without crying from pain. By the time we saw the doctor she was bounce off the walls and more than normal! I can't wait for the bill, he requested urine, abdominal x-rays, and strep test.... All checked out fine. My neighbor thinks it could be a gluten issue. As always, I am glad we have access to such great care, glad I can rule out appendicitis, and even with our "not insurance" we can afford to go when we need too. Robert and I are making guesses on the bill, I am going to guess $760.00, feel free to leave your guess in the comments.
We also celebrate this studs birthday in December. Ten years old and he is an amazing kid.
He had a friend over for lunch (school-day) and requested Jimmy Johns, and then I let them play Madden on the PS3 for 1 hour (again school-day) so that was extra birthday fun.
We, (Robert and Lynne) pulled 8 batches of taffy this year for the Perfect Gift Event at church, each and everyone of the 48 pounds of candy was eaten!!!
Noelle visited the photo booth at the Perfect Gift (many times), it was a neat, new addition this year.
I took Dallas on a gift buying date for his dad and siblings. Robert usually does this activity and again is fun and buys the kids a special drink, so I had too as well.
I took this gal for the same gift buying experience!
Another view of a sick day
Library views
Robert has been sending cards out to Patreon supporters. I was the elf and assembled and mailed all 50. We have another 50 cards to send this week!
The kids made this all by themselves. I shut myself in my room.... please remind me to buy three separate kits next year.
Handsome dog, not eating the tree or anything under it