Thursday, April 10, 2008

new tooth

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We went home to see my dad for his birthday on Sunday. Emily was sick, she wanted her "banke" and "ba ba" all the time, which we usually oblige when she needs comfort. Grandma Barb surprised Emily with a new puppy. It is the cutest stuffed puppy ever, picture Bo, but at 6 weeks old. She has not gone a moment without "puppy" since. It seems Em is developing an entourage... ba ba, banke, Elle, and puppy are all needed when comfort comes calling. Em has gotten over her cough but has broken her first 2 year molar, upper left "secondary molar", the average eruption time is 25-33 months, which seems about right for Em since she has gotten all of her teeth early. She has had all 16 teeth, b-i and l-s since 12 months. Wonder if she be needing braces by 4 years?

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