Thursday, May 23, 2013

Noelle's paci "broke" yesterday.  She is pretty sad about it, but it hasn't affected her sleeping habits!  I knew it was time, I let her have it much longer than the other two, but that's what you get when you are the baby.  She had been sneaking away quietly for 10 minutes at a time to have her paci and blanket in her room, since I have a no paci out of your room rule. (really it is bed, but she can't get in and out of her crib).  And I know what you are thinking, she is still in her crib!  None of my kids have ever attempted to climb or scale the crib, we always moved one out because another one needed it.  Noelle still fits well in the crib...

Dallas loves to pull off his finger nails, is that weird?  He requests me to cut them, but leave them hanging a little so he can pull them off himself.

Emily is one week into summer vacation and is already bored.  I can't wait until the pool opens!  We are making a list tomorrow of ideas to do in the afternoon when N is napping.  I don't want to hear "I am bored, what can I do now"  all summer long in a whinny voice! 

We are finalizing details for a big road trip, we leave the end of May.  It is going to be so FUN!

 She loves to swing, and this year she has figured out to hold on.
 We saw Wreck it Ralph on our blanket with some of our closest friends at Jack Trice.  It was wonderful evening to watch a movie outside.
 Emily had her first salon pedicure, she took me out for my birthday
There are no words!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Like Father

Dallas just cannot get enough dad time.  He loves to mow with dad.  His new addition this year was he wanted to wear headphones like Robert.  I rigged up an old iPod and some kid phones from his, but he really wants some noise canceling headphones like dad.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My little pianist, I am so lucky to get to help teach her to play.

Resting at the truck stop
Dallas is into towing, his two favorites toys right now are Robert's bungee cords and a couple of lacing card strings.  He ties everything together and tows things around, makes cranes and lifts.  Noelle often gets "towed"
My rock band
May basket prep
Running after planting a May basket, if you get caught you might get kissed!
piano time
Noelle and her little buddy Ben watching Peter Pan
Rob helped Sara P buy a new car, and we helped test out the entertainment system
I drew these two bikes and they wanted to sit on the seats
Noelle can't wait for her turn on the stage
Dallas stepping into daddy's drum
VEISHEA "Cat in the Hat" whiskers
Em and her good friend at her 7th Birthday party
Emily receiving her award for having 50 memorized songs in her repertoire