Sunday, May 5, 2013

My little pianist, I am so lucky to get to help teach her to play.

Resting at the truck stop
Dallas is into towing, his two favorites toys right now are Robert's bungee cords and a couple of lacing card strings.  He ties everything together and tows things around, makes cranes and lifts.  Noelle often gets "towed"
My rock band
May basket prep
Running after planting a May basket, if you get caught you might get kissed!
piano time
Noelle and her little buddy Ben watching Peter Pan
Rob helped Sara P buy a new car, and we helped test out the entertainment system
I drew these two bikes and they wanted to sit on the seats
Noelle can't wait for her turn on the stage
Dallas stepping into daddy's drum
VEISHEA "Cat in the Hat" whiskers
Em and her good friend at her 7th Birthday party
Emily receiving her award for having 50 memorized songs in her repertoire

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