Monday, September 9, 2013

Look who is Three!

 Birthday breakfast date with dad.  I love that Rob always takes time off of work to spend with the kids on their birthday.  It was especially nice today since we had our first day of CC, Noelle got to spend the morning with Robert instead of in childcare.
 Swinging at the park, her favorite

 Noelle requested a Minnie Mouse Party, well at least her siblings encouraged her to choose this theme. 
 Noelle did insist on a blueberry cake.  This is the first cake I have ever made from scratch.  They just don't make blueberry cake mixes.  The cake had three layers, and was filled between layers with lemon curd.  Everyone seemed to like it.  I don't prefer cake, so I am not sure how it ranked.
 These were an easy cookie to assemble.  Oreo's and white chocolate.
 A little decor
 So excited about her twirly dress Grandma made
A special quilt Grandma made

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