Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 Days - 40 Bags

I am doing this.  It feels great already.  We. have. so. much. stuff.  Junk, clutter, paper, 56 pencils in one container on my counter. 
If you click over to the blog you can read more about it.  She has a couple of printables to help you along, and suggestions of places to de-clutter and purge.  It is structured around the 40 days of Lent.  I can see the getting rid of stuff, gives you more time with God.  Less stuff = less time to clean = simpler life = more like Jesus... is this a stretch?

All my bags won't be 18 gallon, anything counts.  Fill up a sandwich bag while cleaning out your car waiting to pick up the minons. 
I already have a Goodwill pile, a donate to Audrey box, a donate to Charley and Drew box, a paint pile to get rid of, a box to go to the childrens consignment store, and a pile of t-shirts I have not seen Robert wear in 5 years. 
I think Robert will be the deciding factor.  He is a saver and I am not.  I want to be respectful of this. 

My big piles to tackle next is kids stuff collecting in the basement.  I have tons of artwork/craft type stuff.  I cannot imagine how big it would be if my kids were actually in school/daycare.  My pile is huge and it only represents a couple of homeschool art classes, one year of preschool, 3 years of day care and the all that church stuff they come home with each Sunday.   The other pile I want to tackle is the homeschool stuff.  Iowa does not require me to save any previous work, but I worry about someday moving to another state some day and needed to prove past work.

I will try to update again next week, and pop back in with my feelings!

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