Monday, June 30, 2014

 Building creations all.the.time
 riding trike
 Emily and Dallas drew a chalk town with roads, church, library, police station, and race track
 Donuts, we have a problem with eating them every week.  I am considering how much use a donut pan would get in this house.
 Headed to softball
 This sign reminded me of Robert
 I want to build this and hang it from a tree in the backyard
 Emily played some piano for background music at the Ames Farmers Market
 Robert, holding an actual book - also Em took him to the library on Sunday, he has never been before
 missing tooth
 the corresponding note that went with the tooth, or in this case that didn't go with the missing tooth

 my family + Lynne learning what a record player is and how to work one
 taking a break at the Des Moines Farmers Market while watching popcorn being popped
During Aunt Lynne's move she blessed my kiddo's with several treasures.  Everyone recieved a new to them water bottle, Em also got an art set and a rainbow loom.  She finally has a loom and has crafted several bracelets that she could not do without the loom.

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