Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fall trip to Center Grove Orchard

 Noelle was chosen to help during the demo of the apple tree life cycle. The guide was explaining how they use weights on the branches and gave Noelle two buckets of concrete to hold. She did really well, but the demo worked. Her arms kept getting lower and lower.

 Visit to a one room school house, which really resonates with us homeschool types!
 The play area for the goats is pretty facinating.  I guess they are not scared of heights.  One goat was just sitting up there sunbathing until the rest of the crew came along and budged him to move.
 A finish line picture of Dallas and Emily on the giant slide.
 Corn pool is always a hit, I can't stop thinking about how they keep the mice out.
 Dallas was being a nice big brother and giving Noelle a ride since she could not reach the pedals on ths tractor.
She found a pedal tractor more her size.

All these pictures and I didn't even show you an apple.  We did each get to pick three gold delicious apples and they were yummy.  We also picked up a 6 pk of apple cider donuts as well.

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