Friday, October 28, 2016

Madeline Island, Lake Superior

After Em's birthday celebration and our trip to Kansas City we came home for a couple of days so Robert could work.  We luckily were asked to head up North with our good friends for some R&R.  We have been several times before, but haven't been able to make it work the last couple years.  I think the last time we were there Noelle was still sleeping in a crib.  Let me tell you taking three kids that can swim well, listen O.K. and can make their own breakfast is a game changer. 
 Crossing over Superior from MN to Wisconsin
 I took tons of sunset pictures....
 Or lake pictures in general
 We had two really great weather days, and two days where it was not best to be on the boat- wind wise
 This is the thing, most kids don't care that the water is 65 degrees at best and the sun is not always shinning, they have fun anyway!

 We don't find many shells, but the rock searching is amazing.  So many neat rocks!
 Leigh found a Norweigen pancake maker (Ebelskiver) so we tried those several times.  These girls helped cook and eat!

 Oh, and we rarely shower at the lake, you can. But no one really does it on the regular...

 Sometimes we eat an entire meal of fried food snacks without plates
 The whitefish from Superior is sooooo good.  All my kids liked it, we did tell Dallas it was chicken, but he gobbled it up. 
 We hammocked a lot

 Smores are always a requirement

 Girl cuddles in bed, we were staying up to watch the stars.  We headed out to the dock at 10:00 pm and laid on cushions and taught the kids how to find satellites and stars. It was my highlight of the week.  Lots of God's work up in the heavens!
8:00 am rinse off crew, I had that coffee cup in my had until 10:00 am everyday, love sipping coffee in nature

 Oscar the Dog likes the water. He also hogs the raft!
 It takes Robert more time to get to relax mode than me.  He found the hot tub to fix so he could be "doing something".
 We boated to the mainland to get ice cream and fish to fry
 We also boated to Anitou Island (one of the Apostle Islands) and we toured an historic fish camp

Also, Robert taught Emily and Dallas how to drive using the golf cart. 

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