Wednesday, March 25, 2020

May 2019 recap

 Noelle finished Awana. Our season of Awana closed. It is hosted at a different church than we attend on Sundays, and is clear across town. This year Dallas attended a Wednesday night activity at our church and Noelle went to Awana while Emily attended youth group with a friend at the same church that hosts Awana. Next year we will have the kids go to Christ Community!
 Love seeing them all hang out in the sand box. We won't have a sand box at the house. 
 The packing begins. Aunt Lynne gave us some nice boxes from when she moved. 
 We had Audrey over for a weekend of fun. 
 Dallas comic
 These kids dream come true, a lemonade stand. These two always want to sell things. Noelle for the selling, and Dallas for the money. 
 Opening day at Furman Aquatic Center 2019
We went to Walmart before to buy new sandals that promptly broke!
 I always have to snap a picture when they are together like this
 Noelle posing with the Cy at the hospital, we went in to visit the lab for a Celiac disease test.
 Always helping Grandpa with something tech related. 
 Dance picture day, aka. mom practice bun and make-up day. 
 Emily was in a musical in May. It was wonderful. We attended all three performances because I guess that is what you do.
She was a "mint", there were several candy groups. Her mint group sang and danced in the Irish clogging style. The musical was written and performed by our home school group.

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