Monday, November 12, 2007

To the Dr.

Today Emily stayed home sick. She played with me in the morning and we went in to see if she had an ear infection like we suspected. Sure enough she had what the Dr. pronounced as a "raging" ear infection, they also deduced that Emily must have a high pain tolerance. Daddy came home to spend the afternoon with Emily, as he can use sick time for kiddo care as well!

Emily is adding many words to her vocabulary.
She currently says
- open
- more (she also signs)
- book
- bubble (perfectly)
- hot
- Bo
- dog (and she barks at anything resembling a dog)
- meow
- dada
- momma
- bye
- ball
- nah (which means milk, also signs)
- umpin (pumpkin)
- bebea (baby)
- no
- uh-oh
- uh, uh, uh... while pointing is everything else

-she signs light on/off, all done, more, fan, milk

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