Thursday, January 10, 2008

Change is a constant

It is the new year, which gives us new opportunity. Emily is currently going to a new daycare a couple days of week. The schedule causes me to go to work early twice a week, and we have to juggle cars due to only having one seat, but we really like her new daycare. She seems at ease there and has a friend only two months older than her to play with.

Robert has started off the year with several clients at Guidepost Financial. And I have stuck to my 2008 goals thus far.

Emily continues to amaze us each and every day. Her vocabulary is growing by leaps, she is consistently stringing a couple of words together. She can say about anything you say to her. She mentions people consistently too.
She loves to play with cups in the bathtub, she can do many puzzles, and plays a matching shapes from Candyland. She rides her horse almost daily.

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