Thursday, January 3, 2008

Setting Goals

I didn't believe in making a lot of resolutions to celebrate the New Year. Mostly because I don't remember them past January 5th. My husband has helped me understand the importance of setting goals the last couple of years. Actually meeting the goals we set has made me a proponent of the process. Last year we set out to become debt free, so I could be home more, and look at me now!
I have discovered that we are in the minority. Experts find that only 5-10% of the population actually bother to think about their goals and only 1-3% have clear written goals. I think fear or fear of failure has a lot to do with people not putting their goals on paper or even considering them. I am going to put mine out there for everyone to help hold me accountable. I know they could be more specific, but perhaps it is "fear" keeping them general!

Laura's 2008 goals:

Financial- We have set family financial goals. They involve saving up the rest of our emergency fund and paying off the second mortgage.

Physical- Exercise at least 3 hours a week, focus on cardio to keep my heart healthy. I would like to start running some 5k races again this year. Aim for my goal of 10,000 steps a day, even on the days I am not at work. Another goal is too remove my nail polish from my toes before it grows off. When did I last paint my toes?

Personal Development- Read! I would like to read a book a month for pleasure; I haven’t done this in a long while. Another goal for me in 2008 is to read more non-fiction in topical areas that affect my life, i.e. parenting.

Family- Appreciate the fact that I get to hang with my little one 2 1/2 days a week more than I did most of last year. Not everyone gets this time, I need to remember that.
- Spend more quality time with Robert. In Proverbs 31 the bible speaks of the value of a wife to her husband. I would like to bring more to the plate to honor this passage. I need to really listen and offer my advice and be more involved in our relationship.

Spiritual- Participate in my small group. Develop better bible study skills.

Social- Hang out with some girlfriends once a month, even if it is just during small group or a quick trip to the store!

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