Thursday, June 26, 2008

How many of my readers ignore posts that do not contain pictures?
I wanted to update a couple of Emilyism's. She likes to spontaneously tell you "I love you", we don't have to ask for it anymore, it is the sweetest! Emily went #1 in her little potty last week. She has been asking to sit on it and the big potty often, but nothing ever happens, I think she was a tad surprised, but I laid on the praise thick, this encourages me. I had been hoping to potty train her in September when our daycare shuts down for a couple of weeks. Robert and I are each going to take a few days vacation to stay home with her, and the training will commence. Would it be to much to ask that I only have one in diapers at a time?
Emily is also speaking in sentences, at least 3 and 4 words. She is getting the hang of using adjectives and learning opposites. This morning she declared she wanted some of daddy's shake, we can hear the blender from upstairs. We went downstairs and she asked for a big shake, Robert poured her some protein smoothie into a glass for her, she then went on to say that she and daddy both have big shakes, and that there were two shakes. Hopefully I can post her birthday list soon. I have had some inquires as to what our almost two year old is hoping for, and we have a list, so I will get it out soon.

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