Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the last 24 hours

we have had a hard 24 here. Dallas seems to be really sensitive to teething, at least that is my guess currently! He has woken up multiple times the last couple of nights. Tuesday evening 6:30-11:00 pm, he probably slept 1.5 hours.... who knows about the over night, I think he was awake more than he was asleep.

He slept on the babysitter this morning for 30 minutes, and I did finally get him to take an afternoon nap. He must be down at least 1/2 of his sleeping hours. The front of his shirt is soaked in drool, which is really unusual because he is usually not a drooler. He doesn't have a fever but feels warm to the touch and his cheeks are warm and pink! He stopped nursing at noon, and won't take a paci, his gums must really be inflamed! The only time he was not fussing/crying is when I hold him on my hip standing, or he lays on my chest and tummy while I am lying down, needless to say it was a long day. He needs sleep and finally succumbed, although he hasn't had milk since noon so I am not sure how long he will be down. Perhaps I can finally get him to use a sippy cup!

The weird thing is his gums don't look that swollen, here's hoping he gets a ton of teeth at once so he won't have to suffer like this again.

1 comment:

Shirlee said...

Oh, poor little thing; and I know the rest of you are hurting, too -