Friday, July 30, 2010

Father of the Year

The beginning stages
Kids checking it out (I actually assisted in squaring the boards)

Unloading sand, we sprang for play sand as we did not hear good things about the impurities in quarry sand

Friend of the year helping unload the first load. Rob transported 2000 lbs approx 2/3 in one trip and had Damion's help. He went back and did the last 1200 lbs by himself. 64, 50 lb bags of sand fill an 8 x 8 sandbox about halfway. Did I mention it was 90 degrees that day

Emily helping with the finishing touches, she was sweeping the sand off of the two benches that run the length of the box.

The following are glimpses of a great Father in action. A Father that doesn't necessarily have the time to stop and build a sandbox, especially after a storm has set his week back three days in cleanup, a father who doesn't really like "building", but would want to be the only one who provides such joy for his kids so he builds anyway, a Father who never takes the easy route, especially when his wife insists 8 x 8 ft sandbox is the way to go, under a tree so it will be shady, that is harder to level because of roots, and a Father that does it all in 90 degree weather (which he does like) while getting sick and feeling weak, and knowing that it will just be another thing to mow around.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Emily

Emily in 2006, fresh from the oven
Today, July 2010, riding her new bike

Sunday, 7/25/10 cutting the cake she decorated with candy to share with her Grandma, Grandpa's, Aunts and Uncle

Blowing out her #4 candle today at her beach themed party

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Emily's birthday list

for the Grandma's and Grandpa's out there that have been requesting this (sorry so late)
Dictated by Mom:

a heart book

a bunny holding a heart with white ruffles with red inside the white ruffles

a bicycle ( I think mom and dad are taking care of this)

clothes for my dolly (she has an 17 inch doll from Pottery Barn, I think most clothes sold at stores for an 18 " doll will work)

barbie (I am not sure I ready to go down this road, maybe next year...)

clothes (4T)

stroller for my dolly


Some games, Kids uno, Chutes and Ladders, puzzles (30-60 piece), any board game

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Time has been moving quickly around here!
I have a little girl turning four this month, and no idea what to do for her birthday party. She wants to have it at the pool, but I am in no mood to do a pool party for a couple of kids. I asked her what her second option would be and she said a beach party. Since she still wants to invite boys, I suppose a cute mermaid or fairy tea party would be out of the question, which seems like the fun thing to plan.
Dallas is acting like a two year old. He has become a champ at throwing fits. I am trying my best to not react and give in to them. Today his fit occurred in front of the fridge, and I believe was about him not liking the cup or drink choice I offered him. He proceeded in his fit throwing ways and sat down, and fell back, only, in front of the fridge, this put is head directly into Bo's water dish. Boy was he surprised! He does not seem to remember the pain fits cause him from one to another, the learning curve has begun.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Trip to Grandpa J's

We all gathered at my Grandfather's this weekend to celebrate his upcoming 85th birthday. What an honor I have had to have had many of my relatives have such a long life! I love going back to the farm, it holds such memories for me, and I love seeing my daughter make them too.

There is quite a stash of "dress up" clothes. Both of my Aunts took years of dance and twirling. The costumes are wonderful and such fun for a little girl.

Grandpa Johnson, Dallas and I

Four generations of Johnson's
My dad James, little Charles, Grandpa Charles, and my brother Greg

Emily, Grandpa J and Dallas (notice a different outfit on Em)

All the family that made it, we missed two of my cousins who were at camp

The ride home

Out cold (for a while)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

1. I am at the point where everything sends me into tears
2. I left a restaurant after ordering drinks (I paid) and we took those two milks with! So much for thinking I could take two kids to dinner myself.
3. Dallas is not old enough to have his own bowl of salsa... see thought 2.
4. We meet Frank Kimmel and got his autograph and sat in his car. Dallas was in heaven!
5. It is about time for me to get a phone with a camera, see thought 4.
6. It seems that I don't nest, I tear everything apart at once.
7. Both upstairs bathrooms are torn apart, the hallway, and my bedroom have several paint colors on them that I am "trying out"
8. Any attempt to play outside this week has been thwarted by mosquito's.