Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I think we are kicking Mediacom to the curb. We have had the service guy out several times the last couple of months, not to mention all the calls and time Rob spends on hold. It has proven itself unreliable for our needs. Next up Qwest and DSL perhaps.

Dallas has gotten his first cold of the season, we have used the neubulizer as needed, but the ears seems great! I am more than glad we decided to get those tubes.

Emily has been having a good week. We are busy cramming her Bible verse today for Awana tonight. It slipped my mind and we didn't start very early. She is working on
mine eyes have seen Thy salvation -Luke 2:30

Noelle is also doing well. She continues to lose more hair, but I have gotten used to the new look. I read it might be a sign of cradle cap, although instead of a dry, scaly scalp she has a rough bumpy scalp. Probably the same thing, different symptoms.

Yesterday I had it out with my Tupperware cabinet yesterday. It cause Rob and I undue stress in the morning when I am packing lunches or snacks. Marriage is hard enough we shouldn't fight over the Tupperware! I matched everything up, all the randoms with out a lid or extra lids went into the garbage. I am thinking about scrapping the whole cabinet and re-investing in some new stuff, all the same brand. Does anyone have any solutions, and a pretty, easy to use system.

I also think I am going to invest in some more silverware. It has become increasingly apparent that having 8 spoons, 8 forks for a family of five, that eats all meals at home 97% of the time is just not enough.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We got rid of Mediacom and now have Qwest. Even working from home full-time for several months, I lost my connection very rarely. Much better than Mediacom.