Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dallas 2 year well visit

We went to check Dallas out today. For all the concerns we had all year about his wheezing and his lungs he is a healthy big boy.
He weighed 29lb, and was 35.5" tall. His head is still in the 90% but height and weight were even-steven at 50%. He gained two pounds and grew two inches in six months. Pretty good for a kid who has probably eaten 10 veggies total in six months. I guess we get to start vitamins with him. Any suggestions on kinds, I think he will think the Finestones or the gummies would be candy. I will keep putting a balanced meal on his plate, but the Dr. agreed with me that you still can't reason with him eating yet, and it is better to make meal time as pleasant as possible so we are not going to force food (yet), but there will be no treats either!

He is just finishing up another round of amoxicillin for last weeks ear infection. He has had two infections since the tubes, lets hope that is it. It also appears that one tube is clogged, so we will try to fix that with some drops. Developmentally he is a star. I encouraged him to say "good morning Dr. Swanson" and that was a big hit!

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