Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall at Center Grove Orchard

 She did go, I just wore her the whole time.  Eating her apple for lunch
 He kept pointing out that the tractor doors were open, while we were moving
 Tractor driving
 It was hard to tear him away, he actually came back twice, once without asking!
 Pumping water to scoot the duck across
 Jumping into the corn pit/pool
 Dallas was a little unsure, he walked around alot with a big grin
We went on a field trip with Emily's K-1 class to Center Grove Orchard .  We haven't been since Emily was 1.5/2 maybe?  They sure have a lot of buildings and tons to do, I think they call that agri-tourism?  It was a fun way to spend our morning.  Noelle rode in the backpack all day and was very pleased about it!  Everyone should go check it out, it is a little spendy, I am glad we got in with the class/tour price.  We came home with two coupons for $4/off if anyone wants them.  Sunday we are headed to Deal's Orchard, they are having Fall Festival this weekend, and Rob will be in KC watching some NASCAR.  I even know some Deal's so I am excited to head up to Jefferson. 

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