Tuesday, March 20, 2012

18 months

My little lady is 18 months!  She is still the smallest of the Kibbe kids. 
Weight 22 lb 11oz, height 30.75" and head circum 46 cm  She is growing steadily, still in the 25-30% range.

My other two rugrats at this age
Emily 24 lb 7 oz, height 31.5" and head circum 48 cm
Dallas 27 lb 1 oz, height 33.5" and head circum 49.6 cm

How wonderfully made they all are!

I was able to tell the Doc that she walked (just barely) at her checkup.  Not walking by 18 mo is considered delayed.  She is still not walking on her feet primarily, but she will oblige you for lots of praise.  She gets around pretty well by walking on her knees, bear crawling or crawling.  She says tons of words.  I understand everything she communicates, although she will also spend lots of time grunting at you as well.  Mine, mommy, no, night night and eat are the forerunners.  She will say eat and sign it first thing in the morning after you change her diaper, must be hungry.  She loves the sandbox and has finally stopped tasting the sand, I still catch her with rocks in her mouth.  She likes to have about anything in her mouth, she'll chew on a hair tie until I fish it out. 
She is wearing 18 month clothes, and whatever else I can find her.  A major shopping trip is needed soon around here for summer stuff. 

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