Thursday, February 7, 2013


I implemented a reward system for the family today, and another specific one for Dallas.  Lesson learned today.  Dallas does not care about any reward, and Emily does to the point she will do anything and everything to get Dallas to listen, help, be compliant... the list could go on and on.  I feel like this will only stress her out!

We made Weelicious Graham crackers for snack today.  They are super tastey, easy to make - especially if you make your kids do the work of cutting them out, and they are made from simple ingredients I usually have around. 

Rob and I are back to working out almost daily again, this sure ups my laundry mess.  Especially when we run outside = extra layers of clothes.

Dallas has been sleeping so much better!  I think I have our whole church praying for him to sleep through the night.  The crazy thing is he is sleeping on the floor on a quilt tucked under 4+ blankets, with his head next to a humidifier.  This humidifier is special!  Rob calls it the "emilyfier", he jokes that it whispers "emily, emily" as it churns out water.  So we did what any sane parents would do, we ordered two more humidifers from Amazon! 
I guess Rob slept like this for many years growing up, so we shouldn't be so surprised.

Emily started her practice-a-thon today, she has already logged 20 minutes, and recieved her first donation in the mail.

Noelle has the best imagination.  She has imaginare "boobees" (not what you are thinking!)  She eats the boobee's, feeds them, cuts them up, tucks them in, you name it she does it.  When I go get her out of the crib in the morning she has quite a lot to see to me.
"momma, I not sick, I don't feel good, but I didn't throw up here.  I stand over here and toot.  My mermaid needs a drink, water not milk, (she then walks to the back of the crib and makes a shhh sound), feeds mermaid the water."  "change my diaper momma, I pee three times, not poop"

 Our windows are ready for Valentine's Day
I found this after being upstairs for five minutes.  Emily was at a playdate so Dallas and Noelle conjured this up.  Five boxes/bins stacked near the fridge???

Edited to Add: Dallas slept horribley last night! 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm sorry to hear about the reward chart, and agree that it sounds like it will stress Emily. I know it is important to find the boy's "sweet spot," or the thing that motivates him like no other. Suggestions are a ride in the truck with Rob, a food he really likes to eat, the chance to
pick the movie your family watches, etc. I can't remember exactly what Zane's motivators were but I do remember thinking he was the only kid in the world who would be motivated by them. Also, don't overwhelm yourself with fixing lots of problem behaviors at once. Maybe pick one (the one that bugs you the most) and go gung-ho on that one first. Kids are hard to train when they don't respond to the traditional means like praise and cheap prizes. :-)