Thursday, October 3, 2013

18 things

 A great $4.99 find a TJ Maxx, entertained the littles with a side of education.
 We dog-sat Riley for a couple days
 These girls were ready for the ISU-Iowa football game
 Then we dog sat Oscar for a week, he is such a great dog
 This little guy is so creative.  He made himself a marching drum with bungees.
 It was good to see these sweet friends, why do we let 35 miles seem like 2000 miles?
 These pretty little girls had their well checks.  One little gal grew 5 inches in one year, the other big gal sprouted up 3 inches.
 Emily's wonderful advising teacher gifted her a children's dictionary.  It is wonderful, was brand new in the plastic, and was published in 1986.  The index contained some funny stuff about computers possibly being in every school in the future!  I think the picture above looks very similar to my elementary computer lab.
 Another creative creation by my Dallas.  Ramps for the car, complete with a creeper for the mechanic to slide under the car.
 Just some friends having tea, their owners were also having "tea and cookies"
 These two, there are no words....
 Tooth #11
 Hole #11, 30 hours later hole #12 happened
 This... This is two meals, one meal prep, sandbox trappings, fours kids worth, one morning of school and playdough.  I can't believe this used to sit on my carpet.  Thankful for my new floors, and perhaps missing my Bo who wouldn't let a chip sit on the floor long enough to be swept.
 Again, these two...
 Emily is into drawing any picture she sees.  Mom and boy fox by a tree watching a bunny.
 We had some precious baby Audrey time. 
Audrey and I took an obscene amount of selfies, I will spare you the rest.  She is just perfect, I am so luck to live close.  I can't wait until my girls and I can steal her away for some girl time. 

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