Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Winter 2019

 We got a swing for Christmas, but hung it up in the basement for now. It is very comfortable with a bean bag throw on top. It usually has a kid reading in it, which makes my heart happy.
 Our new Christmas game gifted by Aunt Lynne is such a hit. We play it often, she picks the best games. It is a bit like Ticket to Ride, involves some strategy, but can be played quickly. Our version also came with the expansion pack. Carcassonne 
 Robert gifted me with a real running jacket for Christmas. I feel legit and safe. It is better to run in white than black at 6:30 in the morning.
 Noelle finished another language book
 I ordered 25lb of ground beef from a young entrepreneur in Nebraska that I follow on social media. She was running a special and with shipping it rang in at the same price it would have been at Fareway (not on sale). I was happy to support her. It is also dry aged 60 days and is really yummy!

 Noelle started back at Robert Thomas. She is by far the tallest in her class. I am guessing the oldest as well, as she is an older 2nd grader.
 Dallas started basketball. You can see him shooting in this picture, #25, or the blonde with the long hair. 
 Emily decided to go for a big trim, 8 or so inches gone. She loves it!
 My kids love dog photography, I have so many pictures of Murphy sleeping on my phone. He is very photogenic in this state. 
 Noelle is receiving a girls craft subscription from Grandma Shirlee. This was her first box. The timing was great as she was home sick all that week. 
 January and February has been fairly calm for us besides the house showings. We have had lots of game and family time. Clue is a favorite of Noelle, not Robert or I. Dallas also reveals his cards halfway through the game to speed things up.
 School days....
 Emily helped me send out 100's of letters to Robert's podcast supporters. Stuffing envelops like a pro.
I do love Yahtzee and could play that all day...

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