Monday, July 22, 2019

Iowa State Big XII Basketball in Kansas City

 We were quite indecisive on our Spring Break plans this year. I had booked the dog at the kennel for the entire week hoping we would be able to leave and go some where warm. For a while in February we thought we might need to move that week. We ended up hopping on the band wagon and headed to Kansas City for a long weekend. The great thing about March and Missouri is that we can almost always count on it being sunnier and at least 10 degrees warmer than in Ames, which is great for the soul!
 We went to the ISU pep rally at the Power and Light District. Luckily we ran into some friends!
 Look at us in sweatshirts and no coats!!!!

Iowa State won the tournament. We didn't go to the game, but had fun watching it from the hotel. We mooched off our friends who were staying at the team hotel and waited to greet the team. It was tons of fun. Thanks KC for a good break from Iowa winter.

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