Monday, July 22, 2019

March 2019

 Robert took the girls to the Father Daughter dance our church hosts. This years theme was "Me and mini-me", and this was our take. It was a inexpensive and a bit cobbled together, but they looked cute and had fun.
 Lots of our meals looked like this during the house selling season of Spring. I think on this particular night we were out because of a showing at dinner time. Robert had miraculously brought home Texas Road House ribs they had brought into his office. We heated them up and had other random things from the fridge and ate it standing at the counter!
 We played lots of games this Spring. We always have a slow time between sports/activities, but the weather is still not great for being outside at night.
 These three wonderful friends are all homeschooled and rock the going to the Middle school for band thing. They played in a trio for Solo and Ensemble contest. L to R, Elena plays basson, Johanna plays tuba and Emily on horn. They played a march at is was so interesting sounding a really great. The judge gave them a perfect score, and of course they coordinated their attire.
 I had some Noelle time at a coffee shop. I believe I just won this hand!
 Costume prep for the play Emily was a dance in this Spring.
 Costume fitting at dance!
My baby, getting her math done with tea and noise canceling headphones.

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