Wednesday, August 5, 2009

so Tired...

Yesterday was day 1 without the "baba" aka pacifier for Emily. I have been talking to her a lot lately about how big girls don't need them to sleep and that she would still have her blanket, cited examples of all the times she has fallen asleep without it.
Nap time was great, almost more smooth than normal, she asked when she got up from nap where it was, so I told her that big girls don't use paci's anymore.

Bedtime (just typing that word makes me sleepy) was another story. She really wanted her baba. Asked for it over and over, but she still hadn't cried and had a tantrum. I thought we were going to get out of this fairly easy, she had been quiet for hours, then Rob and I went up to bed. She was still awake, waiting for me to find a paci and bring it in.
We were so tired, thought we'll let her sleep in our bed (that never works), I was hugging the edge immediately (I am sure Rob was too, but I am telling this story!), she was so restless, couldn't settle down. 11:40, I decide to go sleep in her bed. 12:00, Rob brings her to join me, 12:05 I try to leave for my bed again, cry, fit, screaming, Dallas is now awake (did I mention he is still getting up 1-3 times a night).
12:15 I close her door let her make her noise. 12:16, Robert asks where her paci is, 12:18 Robert goes to sleep in the guest room. 12:30 I go and tell her if she can be quiet for 10 minutes then she can come sleep in my room, I show her what 10 minutes will look like on the clock, this is my little trick because I know she is so tired that if she just lies still for 2 minutes she will pass out, Yes I lied to my kid! Then she tells me her mouth really misses the baba, melts me, I almost give in. 1:00 am all is quiet, we all get our own beds for the night. She didn't ask about it this morning, here is hoping today goes better.


Destri Andorf said...

Awwwwwwwwww.... good luck laura, I hope this phase will pass soon! praying for you. Wow I am actually feel so restless just reading your night schedule!

Good luck to all of you and hopefully you will get your sleep soon!! You look great tho for not sleeping that much! :)

Jessica said...

Getting rid of the "bop" is a hard process. Sue T told me the best time is around 18 months because they can make the adjustment faster. We didn't do that with Asher and it was hard!! He knew too much. We took her advice with Phin and the tears only lasted one night. I hope that Emily's tears only last one night, too!!