Monday, April 11, 2011

10 randoms

Noelle is having an off couple of days, she is slightly feverish, and not sleeping.  She cries every time I put her down, or down to sleep. 

The bathtub is currently suffering from ring around the sandbox

It was really windy today, but we still enjoyed every moment outside.  I heard it might snow this weekend!

Dallas is getting lean, he has a six pack, his legs are skinny and baby roll free, the little knuckle dimples are gone from his hands and feet.

Robert is in Detroit

I tried roasting cauliflower and broccoli for the second time this week, I don't get it.  I have read that it is super yummy.  It is good, but not any better than steaming it.  What am I doing wrong, and the lingering cooked broccoli smell I could leave, my house smells like the Webster Elementary lunchroom!

All these warm weather toys take up a lot of room.  I understand now why many family's leave a car in the driveway.  Bikes, trailers, strollers, wagons, race cars.....

Emily did wonderfully in her recital this weekend.  I could see how it would be easy to over schedule kids.  She loved it, I feel like it is a good activity.  How do you weigh that against trying soccer, or UPwards sports at church, add in Awana, a possible music lesson, and we would never be home. 

Apparently Bo peed in the same spot all winter, our lawn is proof.

VEISHEA weekend, who wants to guess the weather.  Great friends joining us!!!!

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