Wednesday, August 17, 2011

these days

I unload the dishwasher just to fill it up with all the stuff I have stashed in the sink

I am so joyfully doing laundry, for about two months my dryer squeeked with every revolution. Sometimes it would self correct 10 minutes into the cycle, some days we listened to that squeek for 50 minutes. My dear husband fixed it for me on Sunday while we all stayed home sick from church.

Speaking of sick, Dallas and Noelle had some cold, they both needed 24 hours of round the clock breathing treatments. So thankful for the nebulizer.

I am stuck in the middle of a good book. I want to finish it, but have only found tiny chunks of time to fit it in. I read three books while in Wisconsin. The Help, The Well Trained Mind, and The Girl with the Who Played with Fire. I am 1/3 of the way into The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest, since it is the last in the series, it occured to me that the heroine might actually die.

I have been occasionally forcing Noelle to stand and hold on to something to practice. She hates it.

Dallas would spend all day driving his race car in the back yard. We occasionally have to five the grass a one or two day break.

Emily has been painstakenly drawing a thank-you card to everyone for her birthday love. It might take a while, she only gets one done a day, but they are all really thoughtful. Look for them in the mail along Halloween time.

I have been un-needlessly stressing over booking a hotel for our little stay in FL. What I want doesn't exist, I should just suck it up and book something. Did you know that 5 persons occuping one room in most (all) hotels is illegal?

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