Tuesday, August 9, 2011

what a busy couple weeks.  Here is my review, hopefully I will have time to come back and make more detailed entries. 
Emily turned five.  We had a party with rainbows incorporated into every detail, well as many as seemed practical and the budget allowed.  She has been busy writing thank you cards since. 
On the 28th, Robert left for Oshkosh with Dallas, Emily and Grandpa Dallas.  They rented a camper trailer and hauled it with our new truck, which deserves a post itself.  I was a mom of one again for four days.  It was really quiet on Thursday and I think I talked to the dog a lot, but it was really refreshing for me.  Noelle got to experience having all of my attention for a couple days.
 Emily lost her third tooth on August 2nd.  She decided to pull it out while she was coloring because it tickled.   I noticed when I was inspecting her mouth afterwards, that her second adult tooth has come in... behind the first adult tooth.  Guessing Em will be getting an orthodontic consult sometime soon.
Then on the 3rd of August we joined some good friends up on Madeline Island, it is one of the Apsotile Islands outside of Bayfield Wisconsin.  It is so pretty, you can see God's glory in everything.  And no cell service so we truly had some family time. 
For a couple of upcoming Mondays we are watching a little baby.  She is three months younger than Noelle, but way more mobile.  It was super fun to have her here yesterday.  The kids had fun kissing her and they all played house, pretending they had twin babies. 

That is the news, I will try to go back and do some picture heavy posts.  Gearing up for the State Fair trip next!

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