Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 yrs and 1 yr

Emily did well at her 5 yr well visit this morning, besides operation flu-mist that almost required another nurse to help hold.  She gained 3 inches and 1 lb in a year.

Noelle also had a good one year check up.  My big concern was her lack of motivation to move.  I am tired of people asking why she doesn't crawl, stand, cruise, walk...  so far everything checks out.  Her leg muscle tone is excelent, and she has proper reflex response, and can bear weight.  Her fine motor skills are also good, she can feed herself, turn pages in a book, use a cup, pick up toys...  We are going to practice standing daily.  We are going to give it three more months, then we'll probably get refered to physical therapy.  For now it is a motivation issue :)

She weighs 18 lb 8 oz, 28 inch long at one year.  Emily was 21 lb 7 oz and 28.75 inches at a year. 

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