Thursday, June 7, 2012

I do not get paid enough to clean up all of these bodily fluids!  Someone help me teach Dallas how to pee in the toliet while sitting and pooping!  Rob is always gone at all the right times for this demonstration, and I think it catches Dallas by surprise. 
I did learn to get the pee out from under the toliet base from the internet. Sprinkle baking soda around the base of the toliet, top with white vinegar and let it fizzle and do its thing, then wipe up.  Works pretty well. 
He also peed our of his diaper in onto my sheets this morning.  This is probably the 5th occcurince in 2 weeks.  It is always my sheets, so much more work to wash the king size sheets and I only have one mattress protector in K size, so it all gets washed right away.  It might finally be time to move him out of size 4 diapers.  He has been wearing size 4 for almost three years.  He only needs something for overnite and it is kind of nice that Noelle and Dallas can share a box. 

Dallas has ended up in our room around 2:00 am lately.  He crashes on the floor bed we make for him.  Around 5:00 am when I leave to work out, he climbs into bed with Robert, has some juice water (this is probably why he pees by 7:30 am his diaper can't hold anymore).  I am home by 6:00 am, I kick Rob out of bed to go workout and I slide in beside Dallas.  It seems counterproductive to go back to sleep at what could be such a fruitful time of day for me.  I should be doing bible time or getting other stuff done. but We have figured out that if I climb back to bed, Dallas will go back to sleep, which keeps him from being a loud boy at 5:00 and the 6:00 am, which keeps Emily and Noelle sleeping.  So we all go back to sleep until 7:30 or later even, Em walked down the stairs at 8:30 this morning (we were out late playing with friends last night). pee and sleep in one nice, neat post

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh the games we play to get a few more minutes of sleep! No sleeping past 6:30 in this house!