Monday, June 10, 2013


I have lots of bloggy blog stuff to catch up on!  We went on vacation for 11 days... eleven days, over 3000 mi.  I believe Noelle slept about 4.5 hours total while in the van, Dallas slept maybe 2 hours, and Emily, big fat zero (me too). 

The kids have forgotten how to fall asleep not sleeping five to a room.  As I type 2 are screaming and one is stressed because the other two are screaming.  They did all sleep past 8:00 am this morning, and I had to wake them to get Emily to Music Camp on time. 

We spent the day shuttling Emily to camp, cleaning out the disgusting interior of the van, finishing the laundry, and grabbing some groceries.   Dallas started Blastball with dad. 

And we only have one steak left of our very tastey 1/4 beef.  I am so sad.  The ground beef was so delicious, and I dread buying meat at the store again.  It was so handy to have in the house already.

-  Ok I am going to try to get a couple vacation posts up!

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