Monday, June 17, 2013

Vacation Day 4, Kill Devil Hill, Outer Banks, NC

First Flight!  The Wilber brothers picked the Outer Banks for their testing site even though they lived in Ohio.  The lure of a need for a vacation and the soft landing the sand and dunes would create sealed the deal.  We learned a ton of information at this National Park. 
 We woke up on Sunday, checked out of the motel and drove five miles down the road to get to park. 
Monument resurrected on Kill Devil Hill, I think funded by Congress
Inside the museum
Three of the markers that mark the distances of the first three flights
Standing at marker 2
and at Marker 4 (because he is four)
The rail the plane used for take off
Walking up to the Monument, we made it.  I took turns carrying either Noelle or Dallas, Emily was a trooper and walked the whole thing without complaining (it was hot, 90 degrees).  Robert was walking with his Dad
We made it!
Family pick
This little statue showed the positions of the seven men who helped with the flight.  They had a timer, a photographer among them. 
I could write a ton more about all we learned, but you all should really go see it for yourselves!

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