Thursday, February 27, 2014

Emily Reads

(tv is on, she obviously doesn't care)
 Aunt Sharon gave Emily a dozen or so books for Christmas.  Emily recently dived in and discovered Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
After a two days of reading I asked her if it was more difficult to read that her last books, nope, she was on her third re-read!  Time to hit the library...
We found three other Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books, so she has since read them (in one and a half days).  We put Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Farm on hold, it was checked out.  Once again she is sad she is almost done with a series.

Some neat facts if you have never read the series.

Noelle Rose

My dear sweet baby girl.  She is growing up.  She doesn't really need a nap everyday, but she does get a quiet time. Due to preschool schedule she has had to go with the flow.  Some days she plays in the bed and then falls asleep 15 minutes before it is time to pick up lil D. Poor girl.  Let her go 3-4 days without a good nap and she NEEDS to go to be at 6:00 pm instead of 7:30!
There are certain things I don't want to forget about this stage.
Bed head

 This is her sleep position, everytime. 
Legs spread
 Hands in the middle, green blanket
 This picture is in the wrong order, but I don't want to forget her pigen-toedness.  They are always turned in.  So precious
 This happened, on a book, in her sisters bed, green blanket
Hands in position, feet turned in

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Kibbe Valenetine Spectacular Day

 Dallas picked these lolly pops to give to his friends at preschool.  I cut out hearts and wrote the greeting.  I made Dallas write his name on all of them, he also taped the lolly pops on the back of the card. 
 Emily picked a couple of packs of erasers out in the party section of Target.  I think they were 16/$3.  She did the whole project, cut, glued and wrote her greeting.
 On Valentine's Day I surprised the kids with a trip to Des Moines.  We took in the Friday Funday play at the Des Moines Playhouse.  They told and acted a story which had many interactive audience parts.  Eight kids even joined up on stage to act different animal parts. 
 As all my faithful readers know, the Kibbe's like any reason to holiday- it -up.  Valentines is extra meaningful to us since it is also the anniversary of our first date.  Robert went above and beyond and got me/us a coffee maker, we usually just trade cards an chocolates, so this was a big surprise.
And as always- Hickory Park-  it where it all began folks!

 I have been braiding hair lately
 This sweet kid is like family to us. 
 My RayBan case didn't care to be opened at -20 degrees, I now need a new sunglasses case.
As an aside, I think it is funny that RayBan is great company, has really great trendy and classic glasses, but the case has not been redesigned in 30 years.  I remember my dad's glasses case looked the exact same in 1985.
 Creative juices flowing.  He called me in and announced that this was his tv watching set-up.  See the yellow (duplo) remote in his hand?  Guess that pillow puts out some good shows.
 We made snow ice cream this week
Love-Hate relationship with the city plow, and living on the corner.  They always miss at least a couple times a winter, this leaves a prime spot for weeds to invade.
We did get out and splash the last two warm days!

the sickees

 He assumed this position for 30 hours, throwing up every 1-2 hours.  He actually gave himself a nap, turned off the tv and slept from 10:30 -2:30, after having woken at the late hour of 9:00 am.  No fever, just yucky tummy.
Two days home from preschool, and he got to go back just in time for his Valentine's party and he wanted to look HANDSOME.  He picked the outfit completely.  I did stear him from the purple bowtie to this one though.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

 I introduced the kids to the Puppy Bowl, they. were. mesmerized.
 I don't usually do Starbucks, I am too much of a cheapie, but sometimes I consider it a little treat on the weeks Rob is traveling and I am running the show solo.  Sadly they left out out the syrup and I only had a coffee - black.  That's what I get for ordering a yuppie drink.
 Mommy Noelle selfie.  Noelle is chomping on my "ABCD" gum.  I told the kids what "abc" gum was a while back - Already Been Chewed.  She calls it "abcd" gum and I think it is too adorable to fix.  And yes, I realize it is super gross.
 This little lady completed her third and final Sparks book.  She has so much of God's word that she is carrying around in her heart, we are super proud of all the work she puts into memorizing scripture.
 Just keeping it real, this was the living room at 10 am
 Loves to practice that script
He only naps when he is sick.  Lately he has traded his wheezing symptoms for weeping eyes.  He looked like he was crying or had been the last three days.