Thursday, February 20, 2014

Kibbe Valenetine Spectacular Day

 Dallas picked these lolly pops to give to his friends at preschool.  I cut out hearts and wrote the greeting.  I made Dallas write his name on all of them, he also taped the lolly pops on the back of the card. 
 Emily picked a couple of packs of erasers out in the party section of Target.  I think they were 16/$3.  She did the whole project, cut, glued and wrote her greeting.
 On Valentine's Day I surprised the kids with a trip to Des Moines.  We took in the Friday Funday play at the Des Moines Playhouse.  They told and acted a story which had many interactive audience parts.  Eight kids even joined up on stage to act different animal parts. 
 As all my faithful readers know, the Kibbe's like any reason to holiday- it -up.  Valentines is extra meaningful to us since it is also the anniversary of our first date.  Robert went above and beyond and got me/us a coffee maker, we usually just trade cards an chocolates, so this was a big surprise.
And as always- Hickory Park-  it where it all began folks!

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