Thursday, February 6, 2014

 I introduced the kids to the Puppy Bowl, they. were. mesmerized.
 I don't usually do Starbucks, I am too much of a cheapie, but sometimes I consider it a little treat on the weeks Rob is traveling and I am running the show solo.  Sadly they left out out the syrup and I only had a coffee - black.  That's what I get for ordering a yuppie drink.
 Mommy Noelle selfie.  Noelle is chomping on my "ABCD" gum.  I told the kids what "abc" gum was a while back - Already Been Chewed.  She calls it "abcd" gum and I think it is too adorable to fix.  And yes, I realize it is super gross.
 This little lady completed her third and final Sparks book.  She has so much of God's word that she is carrying around in her heart, we are super proud of all the work she puts into memorizing scripture.
 Just keeping it real, this was the living room at 10 am
 Loves to practice that script
He only naps when he is sick.  Lately he has traded his wheezing symptoms for weeping eyes.  He looked like he was crying or had been the last three days.

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